Telephone : 2417977
Labels: Empire cinema schedules
Empire Cinema : 15th to 21st January Movie Schedules
1 comments Posted by Reza Faizal at 10:02:00 PMEmpire cinema movie goers. Here's the movie schedules from 15th to 21st January 2009.
Labels: Empire cinema schedules
Just a couple of photos I took around the stadium area using my iPhone.

Labels: Exercise, Nike+iPod Run, Running, Stadium
No. of laps : 21
Time : 1 hour 1 minute 11 seconds

Labels: Belapan, Exercise, Nike+iPod Run, Running, Stadium
It's Faiz and Aqiel first day back to school today.
Syaza is in Primary 2 Purple and she also start her Ugama School this year in Pra Ta.
Labels: Aqiel Syafie, Faiz Amzar, Family, Personal, Syaza Hamani
Empire cinema movie goers. Here's the movie schedules from 8th to 14th January 2009.
Telephone : 2417977
Labels: Empire cinema schedules
My previous phone for my DST line is a Blackberry Bold 9000 which I bought few month back in Singapore.
My new phone is an Apple iPhone 3G 16GB which I got from QQestore. I got a Black 16GB iPhone 3G.
Hopefully I can now fully utilize my 2GB of free Data Access monthly.
Labels: Personal stuff, Phones
I want to renew my gym membership but I still can't decide whether to join JPMC or back with Fitness Zone.
JPMC is near to home, Fitness Zone is near to my office. My plan is to go to gym before work except for Saturday and Sunday.
Any suggestion?
Labels: Exercise, Fitness Zone, Gym Membership, JPMC
Labels: Belapan, Exercise, Nike+iPod Run, Running, Stadium
I also borrowed the missus Nike+iPod sensor. I calibrated the sensor by walking 400m followed by a 400m run. Completed 8 laps in 21 minutes and 42 seconds.
Labels: Belapan, Exercise, Nike+iPod Run, Running, Stadium
I did my first run for the new year yesterday at the Belapan Track. Ran 11 laps in about 29 minutes. Didn't use my Nike+iPod... I think the sensor battery have run out. I guess I need to buy a new Nike+iPod Sports Kit.
Empire cinema movie goers. Here's the movie schedules from 1st to 7th January 2009.
Telephone : 2417977
Labels: Empire cinema schedules