5.0km/h for 0 - 1 minute
8.0km/h for 1 - 10 minutes
8.3km/h for 10 - 20 minutes
8.6km/h for 20 - 30 minutes
9.0km/h for 30 - 35.50 minutes
* completed 5KM
Planning to run 45 minutes but stop after 5KM due to stomach pain!
5.0km/h for 35.50 - 38.15 minutes
Location : Fitness Zone Kiulap
Distance : 5.0 KM
Time : 35.50 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 363
I think I ran for 40 minutes (5.2KM).
Labels: Exercise, Malaysia, Nike+iPod Run, Penang, Running, Traders Hotel
Empire Cinema : 24th to 30th July 2008 Movie Schedules
0 comments Posted by Reza Faizal at 12:29:00 PMEmpire cinema movie goers. Here's the movie schedules from 24th to 30th July 2008.
Labels: Empire cinema schedules
Checkout the photos of my room below.

Room is not that big but good enough for me.

The bathroom very small.

Labels: Business trip, Hotel, Malaysia, Penang, Traders Hotel
Yesterday I went to Pavilion and spent few hours there. Brought my camera but I forgotten to put back my SD Card in. While I was in the MontBlanc shop, Datuk K and Datuk Siti went inside the shop. Anyway no photos.... what to do?
Ok.... on my first day here, I went to the gym. The gym is very small. Only 2 treadmills and it's quite old, small and not so solid. Decided to do 3KM run only!!!
Hopefully the gym at the hotel I'm staying in Penang won't be a disappointment.
Labels: Business trip, Eastin Hotel, Exercise, Kuala Lumpur, Nike+iPod Run, Running

Labels: Business trip, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Event started from 9am to 4pm.

After the event, we had a friendly bowling competition. 8 teams in total and 4 person per team.

Top player went to Desmond.

Top team went to Team No. 8. Our team did not bad also, we were second highest team.

Labels: Business trip, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nortel, Nortel Sales Rally
Empire Cinema : 17th to 23rd July 2008 Movie Schedules
1 comments Posted by Reza Faizal at 9:36:00 AMTelephone : 2417977
Labels: Empire cinema schedules

Labels: Eastin Hotel, Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

I'm staying at Eastin Hotel. Will post up some photos later.

Empire Cinema : 10th to 16th July 2008 Movie Schedules
0 comments Posted by Reza Faizal at 5:59:00 PMTelephone : 2417977
Labels: Empire cinema schedules
Speed against time

8.3km/h for 2 - 4 minutes
8.5km/h for 4 - 6 minutes
8.8km/h for 6 - 8 minutes
9.0km/h for 8 - 10 minutes
9.3km/h for 10 - 12 minutes
9.5km/h for 12 - 14 minutes
9.8km/h for 14 - 16 minutes
10.0km/h for 16 - 18 minutes
10.3km/h for 18 - 20 minutes
9.0km/h for 20 - 26 minutes
9.3km/h for 26 - 31 minutes
10.0km/h for 31 - 32.34 minutes
* completed 5KM, cool down for 2 minutes at 5km/h
Location : Fitness Zone Kiulap
Distance : 5.0 KM
Time : 32.34 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn :393
Labels: Exercise, Fitness Zone, Nike+iPod Run, Running

8.3km/h for 0 - 5 minutes
8.6km/h for 5 - 10 minutes
8.8km/h for 10 - 15 minutes
9.0km/h for 15. - 20 minutes
9.3km/h for 20 - 25 minutes
9.6km/h for 25 - 30 minutes
9.9km/h for 30 - 33.36 minutes
* completed 5KM, cool down for 2 minutes at 5km/h
Location : Fitness Zone Kiulap
Distance : 5.0 KM
Time : 33.36 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn :393
Labels: Exercise, Fitness Zone, Nike+iPod Run, Running
Click here for more photos.
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Labels: Empire cinema schedules