Labels: Brunei Darussalam, Kuala Belait, Outing, Place in Brunei
Labels: Empire cinema schedules
Actually I'm more interested to take photos of them in action. I did try to take some photos of the waves and sunset but I don't think it turn up that good. Checkout some photos below.

Labels: Brunei Darussalam, Place in Brunei, Tungku Beach
Related post :
Labels: Brunei Darussalam, Kuala Belait, Place in Brunei, Rasau bridge
I was experimenting with my 24mm lens camera. I think I need a wider lens.

Related post :
Labels: Brunei Darussalam, Kuala Belait, Place in Brunei
Checkout my run summary below :
Speed against time

9.0km/h for 1 - 15 minutes
9.5km/h for 15 - 20 minutes
9.0km/h for 20 - 25 minutes
9.5km/h for 25 - 30 minutes
9.0km/h for 22 - 25 minutes
9.5km/h for 25 - 31 minutes
10.0km/h for 31 - 32.48 minutes
* 5KM point reached
+ 2 minutes cool down period, see pictures
Location : Fitness Zone Kiulap
Distance : 5.0 KM
Time : 32.48 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 389
Labels: Exercise, Fitness Zone, Nike+iPod Run, Running
Very tiring run this morning. I think because I have not been running regularly.
Checkout my run summary below :
Speed against time
6.0km/h for 1 - 2 minutes
7.0km/h for 2 - 3 minutes
9.0km/h for 3 - 20 minutes
10.0km/h for 20 - 22 minutes
9.0km/h for 22 - 25 minutes
10.0km/h for 25 - 27 minutes
9.0km/h for 27 - 29 minutes
8.0km/h for 29 - 32 minutes
* slow down ... tired!!!
9.0km/h for 32 - 33 minutes
10.0km/h for 33 - 34.02 minutes
+ 2 minutes cool down period
Location : Fitness Zone Kiulap
Distance : 5.0 KM
Time : 34.02 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 383
Labels: Exercise, Fitness Zone, Nike+iPod Run, Running
Empire Cinema : 24th to 30th January 2008 Movie Schedules
0 comments Posted by Reza Faizal at 8:36:00 AMTelephone : 2417977
Labels: Empire cinema schedules
I'm thinking of selling my Canon Powershot G7 complete with all the accessories.
The G7 is the second digital camera I've ever bought. My first digital camera is the Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ7. Main reason I bought the G7 was I still want a "point and shoot" camera but with a "hot shoe".

The camera is less than one year old (there's around 6 months warranty period left).

With the Canon flash and the wide angle lens attach to the G7, doesn't it look like a DSLR camera!
Ok.... here's the deal. As of today, the price at QQestore is BND 775/= for the camera, BND 328/= for the Wide-Converter and BND 298/- for the Tele-Converter. I'm giving 30% discount on the camera and 20% discount on the Wide & Tele-Converter.
Option 1 :
G7 + Wide-Converter + Tele-Converter
542.50 + 262.40 + 238.40 = 1043.30
I'll let it go for BND 1,000/=
Option 2 :
G7 only for BND 542.50/=
Wide & Tele-Converter only for BND 500/=
FYI... I took the photos in my previous post with my G7, the first 2 photos I took it using the Tele-Converter lens, the 3rd photo I took it with the Wide-Converter lens.
If you interested, email me at
Checkout the video review below.

Labels: Brunei Darussalam, Canon G7, Mosque, SOAS
Checkout my run summary below :

Speed against time
8.8km/h for 3 - 15 minutes
9.1km/h for 15 - 25 minutes
9.3km/h for 25 - 30 minutes
9.6km/h for 30 - 32 minutes
10.0km/h for 32 - 33 minutes
11.0km/h for 33 - 33:30 minutes
12.0km/h for 33:30 - 34 minutes
* 5KM point reached
+ 2 minutes cool down period
Location : Fitness Zone Kiulap
Distance : 5.0 KM
Time : 34 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 383
Labels: Exercise, Fitness Zone, Nike+iPod Run, Running
Empire Cinema : 17th to 23rd January 2008 Movie Schedules
0 comments Posted by Reza Faizal at 9:19:00 PMLabels: Empire cinema schedules
Checkout my run summary below :
Speed against time
9.0km/h for 3 - 15 minutes
8.6km/h for 15 - 25 minutes
8.3km/h for 25 - 32 minutes
9.0km/h for 32 - 33 minutes
10.0km/h for 33 - 34 minutes
11.0km/h for 34 - 34:40 minutes
12.0km/h for 34.40 - 35:01 minutes
* 5KM point reached
Location : Fitness Zone Kiulap
Distance : 5.0 KM
Time : 35:01 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 383
Labels: Exercise, Fitness Zone, Nike+iPod Run, Running
Checkout my run summary below :
Speed against time

9.0km/h for 3 - 15 minutes
8.6km/h for 15 - 21.47 minutes
* 3KM point reached, walk for 7 minutes
5.0km/h for 21.47 - 28.51 minutes
9.0km/h for 28.41 - 37.51 minutes
* 5KM point reached
Location : Fitness Zone Kiulap
Distance : 5.0 KM
Time : 37.51 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 365
Labels: Exercise, Fitness Zone, Nike+iPod Run, Running
Thanks to Bruneian for recommending the software!

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Labels: HDR, Outing, photography