Speed against time
9.0km/h for 2 - 16 minutes
10.0km/h for 16 - 20:13 minutes
* completed 3KM, decided to stop my run as I'm already late for work. Walk for 2 minutes at 5km/h
Location : Fitness Zone Kiulap
Distance : 3 KM
Time : 21:13 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 234
Labels: Exercise, Fitness Zone, Nike+iPod Run, Running
'Aqiel celebrates his birthday at school this morning. Syaza and Fa'iz didn't go to their school and I took a one day leave today.

And below some photos of Fa'iz with the girls!!!

Related posts :
Labels: Aqiel Syafie, Birthday, Family, Personal
Aqiel going to celebrate his birthday later at school.

Related post :
Labels: Aqiel Syafie, Birthday, Family, Personal
Took lot of photos. I guess I just upload one for now!
Click to enlarge....

Labels: Brunei National Day
I didn't expect or totally forgot about my surprise birthday cake. Thank you the missus and my kids for the cake and the birthday presents.
Sorry I got to fly off to Singapore on Tuesday. I still owe the family a dinner.
Empire Cinema : 21st to 27th February Movie Schedules
0 comments Posted by Reza Faizal at 4:30:00 PMEmpire cinema movie goers. Here's the movie schedules from 21st to 27th February 2008.
Labels: Empire cinema schedules
Anyway, for this trip I'm staying at Park Royal Hotel at Kitchener Road. It's my first time staying in this hotel and I'm also not familiar with the area. It's a very nice hotel actually.
The hotel is located just beside the famous 24-hours Mustafa Centre shopping mall.
Checkout the photos I took inside my hotel room.

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Labels: Hotel, Kitcher Road, Park Royal, Singapore
Treat some of the staffs in office yesterday for my birthday lunch at Escapade Gadong.
Can't bring all so decided to split the group into two. Second group next week and maybe different place.
Thank you all for the surprise birthday cake!
Related posts :
Checkout my run summary below :

9.0km/h for 1 - 10 minutes
9.3km/h for 10 - 15 minutes
9.6km/h for 15 - 20 minutes
10.0km/h for 20 - 26 minutes
* Completed 4KM, decided to stop my run. Tired because sleep late last night. Walk for 4 minutes at 5km/h.
Location : Fitness Zone Kiulap
Distance : 4 KM
Time : 26 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 313
Labels: Exercise, Fitness Zone, Nike+iPod Run, Running
I already make plans for my birthday lunch and dinner today. Hope to post some photos of it later today. Anyway, anyone want to treat me for coffee today are most welcome to contact me ;-)
I also like to wish Happy Birthday to those who celebrate their birthday today. Especially to :
- My first cousins
- Sumanty (1974) and
- Sally (1976)
- My friend Pg Azam of DST (1973 - I think)
- My friend (Dani of Telbru) wife (1975 - exactly same age as mine)
- The Project Director in the company I work. Mr D.Kar (19xx - not sure).
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This morning I went to the gym to do my usual run. Checkout my run summary below :

9.3km/h for 2 - 10 minutes
9.6km/h for 10 - 15 minutes
9.8km/h for 15 - 28 minutes
10.3km/h for 28 - 29 minutes
11.0km/h for 29 - 30:30 minutes
10.0km/h for 30:30 - 31 minutes
11.0km/h for 31 - 31:47 minutes
* completed 5KM, walk for 2 minutes at 5km/h
Location : Fitness Zone Kiulap
Distance : 5 KM
Time : 31:47 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 393
Labels: Exercise, fit, Nike+iPod Run, Running
Empire Cinema : 14th to 20th February 2008 Movie Schedules
0 comments Posted by Reza Faizal at 1:13:00 PMLabels: Empire cinema schedules
Speed against time
9.0km/h for 1:30 - 5 minutes
9.3km/h for 5 - 20 minutes
9.7km/h for 20 - 27 minutes
10.3km/h for 27 - 30 minutes
* treadmill goes automatic cool down for 2 minutes. Completed 4.58KM, walk for 2 minutes at 5km/h
Location : Fitness Zone Kiulap
Distance : 4.58 KM
Time : 30 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 361
Labels: Exercise, Fitness Zone, Nike+iPod Run, Running
Speed against time
8.5km/h for 0:15 - 2 minutes
9.0km/h for 2 - 5 minutes
9.6km/h for 5 - 10 minutes
10.0km/h for 10 - 18:51 minutes
* completed 3KM then walk at 5.0km/h for around 2:30 minutes
Location : Fitness Zone Kiulap
Distance : 3.0 KM
Time : 18:51 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 243
Labels: Exercise, Fitness Zone, Nike+iPod Run, Running

Took some photos & videos. Also met up with fellow BruneiForever photographers.
Related posts :
Labels: Brunei National Day, News, Outing
Empire Cinema : 7th to 13th February Movie Schedules
0 comments Posted by Reza Faizal at 12:25:00 PMLabels: Empire cinema schedules
Speed against time
9.0km/h for 1 - 15 minutes
9.5km/h for 15 - 27 minutes
10.3km/h for 27 - 30 minutes
* automatic cool down 2 minutes
Location : Fitness Zone Kiulap
Distance : 4.51 KM
Time : 30 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 353
Labels: Exercise, Fitness Zone, Nike+iPod Run, Running
Labels: Family, Place in Brunei, Tungku Beach
As usual, first house to go for the chinese new year is my grandma house.
The kids got their Ang Pao :)
Checkout the video below. "Gong Xi Fa Cai" song with English subtitles.
Related post :
Labels: Chinese New Year, Gong Xi Fa Cai, New Year, Personal
Speed against time
9.2km/h for 1 - 15 minutes
* 2.30 KM distance reached, cool down 2 minutes
Location : Fitness Zone Kiulap
Distance : 2.30 KM
Time : 15 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 175
[will upload later]
Labels: Exercise, Fitness Zone, Nike+iPod Run, Running
Both of them were very excited. Fa'iz wanted to swim, so we decided to let both Syaza & Fa'iz swim.

Labels: Family, Place in Brunei, Tungku Beach