Total running distances : 63.14 KM
Total running time : 7 hours 3 minutes
Total calories burn during run : 5,123
Related post :
Labels: Exercise, Run Statistics, Running
Checkout some of the shutterbugs I saw during the National Day Celebration.
Related posts :
Labels: Brunei National Day, Outing
I went for my Mandarin class last Wednesday. Below is what I've learnt.
Word place in front of verb.
Subjective + Adverb + Verb + Objective
In class #4 we learn yě and dōu
yě : also, as well, too
dōu : all, both
for class #5 we learn one more adverb (hěn)
hěn : very much
hěn normally use with the word xiǎng
i. want to i.e. want to do something
ii. think about i.e. think about something
iii. miss i.e. miss somebody
xiǎng yi xiǎ
thing for a while
xiǎng yi xiǎng
think about it again
wǒ hěn xiǎng xiǎng yi xiǎng
I really want to think about it
xiǎn shēng : mr, sir
xiǎo jiě : miss, young lady
yéye : grandpa (father side)
wài gong : grandpa (mother side)
nǎi nai : grandma (father side)
wài pó : grandma (mother side)
dàgē : big brother (however if inside a family dàgē refer to the eldest brother)
dàjiě : big sister
shūshū : uncle from father side
gūgu : aunty from father side
jiù jiù : uncle from mother side
āyí : aunty from mother side
xiǎo péng yǒu : little friend, always refer to little boys and girls
fú wù yuán : waiter or waitress
Verbal particle
(words by itself have no meaning but when use with other word gives a meaning)
e.g. guò
wǒ qù zhōng guó
I go to China
wǒ qù guò zhōng guó
I have been to China
wǒ méi qù guò zhōng guó
I have never been to China
fēiji : plane
huǒ chē : train, railway
gōng gòng qìchē : public bus
gōng chē : bus
chuán : boat, ferry, ship
zìxíng chē : bike
chéng : take, by
dā : take, by
jì : ride by
zuò : sit down, take, by
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Labels: Mandarin Lesson, Notes
Labels: Notes
What's up with the National Day website. I try to open it up this morning and this is was I saw.

Labels: Notes
So far I've been ignoring the sign and still go for my 60 minutes run. Today, there were this lady who really can't wait for us to finish. Both me and the runner on my right side was running more than 30 minutes already. The one on my left side just started his run. This lady keep on watching us from the back. She probably think we going to finish soon however we still keep on going. What bother me the most is her attitude and the way she look at us. Twice, she went to the counter lady looks like complaining about us.
I think it's about time JPMC gym add 1 or 2 new treadmills or sell some of the older treadmill and replace it with the new bigger treadmills.
Anyway, checkout my run summary below :

8.3km/h for 0-3 minutes
8.5km/h for 3 - 10 minutes
8.7km/h for 10 - 20 minutes
9.1km/h for 20 - 30 minutes
9.6km/h for 30 - 40 minutes
10.1km/h for 40 - 50 minutes
9.5km/h for 50 - 60 minutes
Location : JPMC Gym
Distance : 9.26 KM
Time : 60 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 739
+ 5 minutes cool down period, see picture
Related post :
Gym close tomorrow and saturday (23rd February) for the National Day Celebration
Labels: Exercise, Run Feb2007, Running
However my new espeed2 speed is not as fast as the espeed1 I normally experience. Most of the time I experience there’s a time lag. I'll do some troubleshooting before checking with Telbru.
Labels: Notes
The ultimate bike for me would be a HD Electra Glide. I've test ride one used Electra Glide bike. This bike comes with Harman Kardon Advance Audio System (CD/AM/FM/WM-MP3). It also comes with a two-way radio communication system which allow the driver to communicate with its passenger or with other bikers with two-way radio.
My favourite bike racers are Valentino Rossi and Max Biaggi.

Walk at 5km/h for 1 minute
8.5km/h for 1 - 30 minutes
9.0km/h for 30 - 40 minutes
9.5km/h for 40 - 55 minutes
10.0km/h for 55 - 58 minutes
11.0km/h for 58 - 59.30 minutes
14.0km/h for 59.30 - 60 minutes (8.96KM)
Location : JPMC Gym
Distance : 8.96 KM
Time : 60 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 733
+ 5 minutes cool down period, see picture
My name is Reza Faizal bin Haji Mohd. Nor.
I was born on the 19th February 1975 which makes me 32 this year. I'm the eldest and only son in my family. I have 4 sisters. I'm married to a lovely lady name "Mazriyani" and we are blessed with 3 childrens.
I graduated in B.Sc (Hons) Computer Sciences from University of Strathclyde, Glasgow UK in 1997. Work 3 years with the government, resigned and join the private sectors since November 2000.
I'm a health-conscious guy. I enjoy doing exercise especially running. Nowadays, I prefer running on treadmills. I normally run after work and weekends. Apart from keeping my body fit, it helps me clear my mind.
Reza Faizal
Labels: Personal

8.5km/h for 0km - 1km
8.7km/h for 1km - 2km
9.0km/h for 2km - 5km
* at this point my right calf muscle feel abit tight, walk for a minute (5km/h) then pause to stretch the legs then continue running
8.6km/h for 5.xx km - 7.6km
12km/h for 7.6km - 8km (54.33 minutes)

Location : JPMC Gym
Distance : 8.0 KM
Time : 54.33 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 633
+ 5 minutes cool down period, see picture
Happy birthday to my cousins Sumanty and Sally, my friend Pg Azam, my friend (Dani) wife and Mr. D.Kar. Also happy birthday to the guy below.

Distance : 5.0 KM
Time : 34.28 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 410
+ 5 minutes cool down period, see picture
Notes :
JPMC Gym close tomorrow for the Chinese New Year public holiday
Today is HRH Crown Prince 33th birthday. Last year after his birthday, I start seeing him driving a new Lamborghini car. I always wonder if he got the car for his birthday present.

Labels: Birthday
Interrogative pronoun
What : shén me
Where : nǎ li
Who : shéi
When : shén me shí jian (or) shén me shí hòu
Which : nǎ ge
When asking a question. The order should always be same as declaration sentence i.e. Subjective + Verb + Objective
Question : tā shì shén me míngzi (he is what name)
Answer : tā shì zhang hóng (he is zhang hong)
Question : tā shì shéi péng yǒu (he/she is whose friend)
Answer : tā shì wǒ de péng yǒu (he/she is my friend)
Word comes from outside (Words borrow from other language)
Coca-cola : kěkǒu kě lè
Chocolate : qiǎo kè lì
Aspirin : ā sī pǐ lín
Coffee : kā fēi
Tank : tǎnkè
Hamburger : hān bǎo bāo
Lemon : níng méng
Soda : su dá
Motorcycle : mó tuō chē
Sofa : shā fā
Jacket : jiā kè
Salad : shā lā
Other new words learn
birthday : shēng rì
phone number : diàn huà
female : nǚ
male : nán
women : nǚ rén
men : nán rén
classmate : tóng xué
we/us : wǒ men
you (more than 1) : nǐ men
they : tā men
go : qù
know : rèn shi
Brunei : wén lái
Singapore : xīn jiā pō
Malaysia : mǎ lái xī yà
Japan : rì běn
Korean : háng guó
United Kingdom (U.K) : yīng guó
U.S.A : měi guó
Notes : To say the citizen in the country just add the word "rén" after the country. Example, bruneian is call wén lái rén
Word place in front of verb. Subjective + Adverb + Verb + Objective
yě : also, as well, too
dōu : all; both
Example :
wǒ yě shì wén lái rén
I'm also a bruneian
wǒmen dōu shì wén lái rén
We are all bruneian
bù : no, not, negative
méi : not, not exist
Example :
wǒ yě bù shì wén lái rén
I'm also not a bruneian
Labels: Mandarin Lesson, Notes

My home espeed has been out of service since Tuesday (12th Feb 2007) evening. My wireless router can’t get the WAN IP address. I try connecting directly from the modem to my notebook and still the same problem.
13th Feb 2007 – Da missus called up 121 and complains regarding this problem. An engineer call her back and said they had done a reset at their end but she told him it still didn’t work. He also said that it is our router problem.
14th Feb 2007 – I called up 121. It’s a different engineer attending the call. All he can say is to do an “ipconfig /release” and “ipconfig /renew”. After 30 minutes on the phone the guy says he will call us back.
15th Feb 2007 – Finally today, we got a call from Telbru saying that their whole espeed1 is out of service (I can’t confirm that). They don’t have any service maintenance with their supplier anymore and would like to change our espeed1 to espeed2 by tomorrow (I’m crossing my fingers).
So why didn’t I change to espeed2 earlier?
At first when I heard JTB/Telbru want to change everyone to espeed2 more than one year back, I just keep myself quiet. I heard lots of complain with espeed2 so I didn’t apply or ask them to change mine.
Finally, around September last year Telbru send a letter to me informing that they will be replacing our espeed1 to espeed2 anytime. Well, I didn’t reply to that letter but then I also have no objection of them replacing my espeed as long as I don’t need to pay for it.
3 months back, a guy did come to our house wanting to change our espeed. Telbru or their contractor didn’t call us up in advance that someone will be coming. So when the guy came to the house, only the maid was at home and the maid have no clue what this guy want so he just went back.
He came for a second time few days after that. We did told the maid where the espeed modem located. Then this guy call up saying we have “no computer” at home. Yes, I have no computer at home. I’m using wireless access and all of us using notebooks. He says he will come again and bring his own notebook to test.
Third time, well no one came for the third time.
December 2006 or was it early January 2007, I went to Telbru HQ and fill up a form to request to change my espeed1 to espeed2. I put in my contact number and told them I prefer them to come to the house either Friday or Saturday. Well, I have yet to receive a call from them regarding my request.
I’m updating this post using a dial-up account. It's sooooooo slow. I’ve not use dial-up account for so many many years already.
Labels: Notes
First we started with a revision from previous class.
Mandarin : Duì bù qǐ!
English : I am sorry!
Mandarin : Méi guān xi!
English : That’s all right.
Mandarin : Xièxie!
English : Thank you!
Mandarin : Búkèqi!
English : You’re welcome!
Mandarin : Xiūxi yíhuìr
English : Have a rest / Take a break
Mandarin : Hǎo ba
English : All right
Mandarin : Nǐ jiào shénme míngzi?
English : You call/called what name?
Notes :
Updating in progress!!!!
Chinese friends if I make some mistakes in this post, please correct me!
Labels: Mandarin Lesson, Notes
Espeed at home is down. Got to go hospital now.
Updating after I go back from hospital.
Labels: Notes
Figure out who is who?