Empire Cinema : 30th April to 2nd May Movie Schedules
0 comments Posted by Reza Faizal at 12:33:00 PMSpiderman3 is showing starting this Thursday. I will publish the schedule tomorrow.
Telephone : 2417977
Labels: Empire cinema schedules
Labels: Contest
Before the run, I did a 4 minutes walk at 5km/h and a jog at 8km/h to warm up the body. Also did a 10 minutes stretch making sure the calf muscles is properly stretch. Start the run slow at 8.5km/h making sure I don't experience tight calf muscles problem as my previous run. Checkout my run summary below.
Speed against time

8.7km/h for 30 - 40 minutes
9.0km/h for 40 - 45 minutes
9.5km/h for 45 - 55 minutes
10km/h for 55 - 60 minutes
Location : JPMC Gym
Distance : 8.90 KM
Time : 60 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 720
+ 5 minutes cool down period
Labels: Exercise, Nike+iPod Run, Running
BTW... I resized the photos to 800 x 600 resolution and reduced the quality to 80%. Original size is 2816 x 2112 and each file is more than 2MB size. If anyone interested to get the original file just email me.
Labels: Outing
Speed against time
8.5km/h for 0 - 30 minutes
Location : JPMC Gym
Distance : 4.25 KM
Time : 30 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 350
+ 4 minutes cooldown period
Labels: Exercise, Nike+iPod Run, Running
Location : JPMC Gym
Distance : 2 KM
Time : around 14 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 150
Labels: Exercise, Nike+iPod Run, Running
Anyway, my notebook harddisk space is running out. I only have 2.9GB left. I manage to backup around 4GB of photos in my harddisk. I'll probably have another 10GB of photos need to be backup too. I'm copying it to DVDs and hope to delete most of the old photos in the harddisk.
While going through some of the photos, I guess I just post some photos of Syaza during her trip to KL last month with the missus.
Labels: Personal
I got this 1GB Pendrive for almost 2 months now. It was given to me. It's still in the box. I figure since I don't use it, I might as well give it away through a contest.
To enter the contest, all you need to do is to link to my blog main page from your blog main page. I did a search through Technorati and here is the list of sites I checked which got a link to my blog. Thanks for linking me, all of them will received an extra entry into the lucky draw.

- 1 x Avixe Platinum Drive (with Dell logo)
- 2 x Spare caps
- 1 x Neck strap
Labels: Contest
Labels: Outing
Below is my run report for the past 3 days.
Thursday afternoon
Back from work, the weather was cloudy and it was a cool afternoon. The temptation of lying in bed was strong. I got to force myself to go to gym for my usual run. 2KM into my run, both my lower leg felt heavy and tired. Pause for 30 seconds, stretch the lower legs and continue running. After 3KM, I decided to press the cool down button.
Location : JPMC Gym
Distance : 3 KM
Time : 21.03 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 200
Friday afternoon
Speed against time

9.0km/h for 30 - 38 minutes
* lower legs felt heavy and tired, paused and stretch the legs then walk at 5.0km/h for 2 minutes
8.5km/h for 40 - 45 minutes
8.7km/h for 45 - 50 minutes
9.0km/h for 50 - 60 minutes
* completed 8.68KM, instead of the usual cool down speed, I continue running for another 2 minutes at 8.0km/h and completed 9.0KM.
Location : JPMC Gym
Distance : 9 KM
Time : 62 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 700
+ 3 minutes cool down period, see picture
This afternoon
Today run was much better than the previous 2 days. Manage to run 60 minutes non-stop. Checkout my run summary below.
Speed against time

8.7km/h for 5 - 10 minutes
9.0km/h for 10 - 20 minutes
9.2km/h for 20 - 58 minutes
10.0km/h for 58 - 59.30 minutes
13.0km/h for 59.30 - 60 minutes
* completed 9.0KM in 59.39 minutes
Location : JPMC Gym
Distance : 9.1 KM
Time : 62 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 739
+ 5 minutes cool down period, see picture
Labels: Exercise, Nike+iPod Run, Running
Before we start our hiking or climb, we were brief by one of the “kejiranan kampong subok” member. There are 4 hills to climb and the peak is 632 metres from sea level. We were told that from the hills we would be able to see the Ministry of Finance (MOF) building. Few of the "kejiranan kampong subok" members join us and become our tour guides. Some of them were also already at the hills to put up the markers and were waiting for us.
It took us around 40 minutes to reach the 4th hill. We can see MOF and DST HQ buildings, National Stadium, Parliment House, Istana Nurul Iman, Temburong, Limbang and also I was told Mt. Kinabalu (although I didn’t really see it this morning).
There is a triangulation station at the 4th hill. Hj Mohiddin briefly explain us regarding it, something like it is use by the survey department for land measurement. I look up in the internet and this is want I got from wiki.
Overall the trip was fun and enjoyable. I would love to join the group again for other outings. Here's one of the video I took from the hill.
On other matter, met up with a young guy by the name Syazwan at Coffee Bean, Gadong after the hiking. Gave him his present and chat with him abit.
I also went to the gym today and yesterday for my run. Will post it up tomorrow instead.
Labels: Outing

First, you have to create the logo or icon for your site. The size is 16 x 16 pixels and should be save as a windows icon file (.ico). I use Adobe Photoshop with a plugin I got here.
Next, if you using your own web server then you can just upload the icon file to your server. As for me, I try uploading the picture to my picasa web but it wasn't possible. Luckily I can put my file at bruneiforever.com server thanks to Bruneian.
All you need to do now is to edit your html code. Here the code for mine.

Labels: Blogger Tips, Tips
A special thanks to those participated in the contest. Don't worry, you will get another chance. I'm going to hold another contest soon.
This is for my personal bookmark. However, you all can use the tips below.
As you can see on the sidebar of this blog, I'm able to list down the most recent Posts and Comments along with it's relevant details. The great thing about this is, there's no script to install or javascript involved. It can be easily done just by using Blogger widget feature.
- First before you start, you'll need to find out your Blogger's Posts feed and Comments feed.
where * represents your blog.
http://*.blogspot.com/feeds/comments/default - Next, log in to your blogger account.
- On the dashboard under your blog title, click "Layout"
- Once your blog layout appears, click "Add a page element" on your sidebar.
- Choose "Feed" and add to blog.
- Insert your Posts or Comments feed into "Feed URL".
- Customise your settings:
e.g. Title: Recent Posts/Comments
I got this tips from here.
Labels: Blogger Tips, Tips
Labels: Empire cinema schedules
Anyway, I do respect his decision, it's not easy doing a blog post everyday as what he did for the last 2 years. Personally, I've gain more knowledge regarding Brunei and the histories from his blog.
Thank you Mr BR (photo taken from here)

Speed against time
9.2km/h for 15 - 40 minutes
9.0km/h for 40 - 60 minutes
* completed 9KM at 59.21
Location : JPMC Gym
Distance : 9.10 KM
Time : 60 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 739
+ 5 minutes cool down period, see picture
Labels: Exercise, Nike+iPod Run, Running

9.0km/h for 0 - 33.21 minutes
Location : JPMC Gym
Distance : 5.0 KM
Time : 33.21 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 406
+ 5 minutes cool down period, see picture
I forgot to bring the Nike+iPod adapter for the iPod. So no Nike+iPod chart for today.
To enter, all you need to do is join Reza Faizal dot Com MyBlogLog community. I currently have 5 members joined the community. This 5 members will received an extra entry into the lucky draw.
Labels: Notes
Labels: For my blog design, Personal
Ok... will continue to work on it later. First, need to go off for a dinner invitation.
Labels: Personal

8.9km/h for 0 - 5 minutes
9.3km/h for 5 - 10 minutes
9.6km/h for 10 - 15 minutes
9.8km/h for 15 - 38.30 minutes
7.0km/h for 38.30 - 40 minutes
9.3km/h for 40 - 45 minutes
9.6km/h for 45 - 58 minutes
11.1km/h for 58 - 59 minutes
* completed 9KM in 58.20 minutes
12.2km/h for 59 - 60 minutes
Location : JPMC Gym
Distance : 9.37 KM
Time : 60 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 730
+ 5 minutes cool down period, see picture
Labels: Exercise, Nike+iPod Run, Running