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"Computer Neck" pain is a very common condition among computer users. The result of long hours seated in an unchanged position, often with a poor posture or curved upper spine, is tight and painful neck muscles, neck stiffness, and commonly, associated headache.

Well, I think I'm suffering one right now. This long holiday, I’ve been spending too much time in front of my notebook. Then yesterday late afternoon I felt an eyestrain and stiffness at the back of my neck. I stop working , lie down and relax. Night time I felt slightly fine and I went back on my notebook and create a post for my blog.

This morning after spending an hour working in front my notebook I felt it again. I can't stand it any longer and straight away I went to one of the massage shop in Kiulap. I requested them to give me a shoulder, neck and head massage. Oh.... it felt really good. Afternoon, I cancel my plan to run. Instead, I did my own version of stretches at home.

I should also try out Danurasana hints on releasing stiffness and aches in the neck and shoulders.


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    Unknown said...
    Hmm. I believe one of the main causes of neck pain is improper posture. This usually occurs every time we sit in front of a computer and we stay in one discomfited position for a very long period. Constant physical therapy can be very effective to treating your neck, but if you want a quick cure, I propose you try chiropractic treatment. The process is simple and the pain will be reduced easily. If the pain subsides, and you go back to enjoying the company of your computer, just always remember to maintain proper posture so that you won’t experience that severe neck pain again.

    Edwina Andreas

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