Anyway, I remember I have an old photo of me and my dad when I was small during the Maulud Nabi gathering. Was searching for it this morning and manage to find it. See below.
Labels: Personal
I was thinking.... "not again".
She then walk to my treadmill, stood in front of it and says to me something. I can't hear anything she say as I was listening to my iPod. I also purposely ignore her. However, I lose my mood to continue. Press the cool down button at 44 minutes point and the distance run was around 6.6KM. Didn't even bother to take the treadmill reading pictures. Burn around 500 calories.
After the run, I continue with some weight exercises. Did 4 x 12 repetitions dumbell exercises for the biceps and triceps followed by 4 x 8 repetitions of bench press.
Related post :
Labels: Exercise, Nike+iPod Run, Running
I can't say much about the Meet the Robinsons movie. Don't know what's it all about. Only saw the scene where the lady left the kids on the doorsteps.
That's the shortest movie I watch in any cinema.
Here's some more photos I took last night. Quality not so good as I was using a phone camera.
Labels: Movie Reviews, Reviews
Went to simpur website this afternoon and just realise it's my car on the "Show us what you drive!" competitions photo. I'm hoping my car in the top 10 finalists.
Show us what you drive!
Related post :Does your car/motorcycle/scooter/truck/etc have what it takes to win the public's vote? Will what you drive be the most popular among the Simpur visitors? All you have to do is email us a photo of what you drive & short description, attached with your full name, address & contact number and you'll automatically be entered into our competition! All photos will be showcased in our gallery until our closing date, which has been extended to 30th April 2007, where we'll be choosing the top 10 finalists worthy of the public's vote. The most popular photos will win a brand new Digital Camera from Simpur!
So what are you waiting for? Email us your pics now to
(All license plates will be censored, and your contact details will be treated with confidentiality. You can request for us to display a different name to remain anonymous).
Empire Cinema : 29th March to 4th April Movie Schedules
0 comments Posted by Reza Faizal at 7:38:00 AMLabels: Empire cinema schedules
When we reach there, we saw the gym were fully packed and the treadmills were all fully occupied. Did some stretch first, then exercise on the Elliptical Machine. Five minutes into the exercise, I saw two ladies completed their run on the big treadmills. I quickly went to one of the machine and start my run.
Since I didn't feel like running one hour. I decided to do a 5KM run. Completed 5KM in 33.04 minutes.
Had a good night sleep last night and today I feel much better!
Location : JPMC Gym
Distance : 5 KM
Time : 33.04 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 406
+ 5 minutes cool down period
Related post :
Labels: Exercise, Nike+iPod Run, Running
This was my second trip there. My first trip was 6 years back. This time we didn't go for the Canopy walk. I did go during the first trip.
To go to the Canopy walk, you need to cross this suspension bridge first.

Related post :
Labels: Belalong Trip, Brunei National Day, National Park, Personal, Temburong
Labels: Belalong Trip, Personal, Place in Brunei, Temburong
Started with the bench press for the chest muscles, then dumbell lift for biceps and triceps. Follow by another triceps exercise using the machine and lastly the back muscles exercises. End with a 4KM run @ 25.26 minutes before pressing the cool down button.

Distance : 4 KM
Time : 25.26 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 412
+ 5 minutes cool down period, see picture
Labels: Exercise, Nike+iPod Run, Running
Speed against time
8.5km/h for 0 - 10 minutes
8.7km/h for 10 - 20 minutes
9.0km/h for 20 - 25 minutes
9.5km/h for 25 - 30 minutes

*** pause for 20 seconds, stretch calf muscles (feel abit tight)
8.5km/h for 39.30 - 45 minutes
8.7km/h for 45 - 50 minutes
9.3km/h for 50 - 55 minutes
10.0 km/h for 55 - 57 minutes
12.0 km/h for 57 - 59.30 minutes
13.0km/h for 59.30 - 60 minutes
*** completed 9KM in 59.52 minutes
Location : JPMC Gym
Distance : 9.04 KM
Time : 60 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 718
+ 5 minutes cool down period, see picture
After the run, chat with Bruneian who happen to be swimming at the pool. Then I decided to do some weight exercises.
- Power Leg - 4 sets of 12 repetitions
- Leg Extension - 4 sets of 12 repetitions
- Seated Calf Raise - 4 sets of 12 repetitions
- Decline Bench Situp - 4 sets of 15 repetitions
- Dumbell Side Bend - 4 sets of 12 repetions
Labels: Exercise, Nike+iPod Run, Running
Labels: Empire cinema schedules
Location : JPMC Gym
Distance : 5 KM
Time : 35.28 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 407
+ 5 minutes cool down period.
Note :
- The missus join me to the gym and did a 5KM run around 53 minutes (run and walk).
Labels: Exercise, Nike+iPod Run, Running

I'm a regular at Pearl Health. I go there at least 3 times a month. Normally I go for 1½ hour Foot Reflexology, Head and Shoulder massage. I have tried Harizzah and Zen Spa before but I still prefer Pearl Health. The foot reflexology or massage do help my legs feel stronger for the following week run. I also think it helps to reduce tight muscles and to prevent injuries with all the running I do every week.
For the 1½ hour session it cost me BND 35.00 and for 1 hour session it cost BND 25.00.
Related post :
Photo taken from click here for larger image.

Labels: News

Then last night, I key in at GoDaddy. To my suprise, it shows that the domain name is available. Without wasting anytime, I bought this domain. From today on, I'm forwarding to this blog.
Below is my run summary :
Speed against time
8.5km/h for 0 - 5 minutes
8.7km/h for 5 - 15 minutes
9.0km/h for 15 - 20 minutes
10.0km/h for 20 - 25 minutes
13.0km/h for 25 - 26 minutes
9.5km/h for 26 - 32.27 minutes
*** completed 5KM, walk for 2½ minutes before pressing the cool down button
Location : JPMC Gym
Distance : 5 KM
Time : 32.27 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 407
Labels: Exercise, Nike+iPod Run, Running
Interestingly, our teacher created a group in friendster yesterday and send us all an invitation to join the group. The group name is "Brunei Mandarin-Learning Association".
Labels: Mandarin Lesson, Notes
qǐ chuáng : get up, wake up v.
chī : eat v.
chī fàn : have a meal
zǎo fàn : breakfast n.
wǔ fàn : lunch n.
wǎn fán : supper, dinner n.
shuì jiào : sleep v.
guì : expensive adj.
pián yī : cheap adj.
(yì) diǎn : a little bit
bīng gùn : pop cycle
zhá shǔ tiáo : french fries
huā shēng mǐ : peanuts
táng : sugar, candy
bǐng gān : biscuit
dàn gāo : cake
bíng qí líng : ice cream
sūan nǎi : yogurt
niú nǎi : milk
miàn báo : bread
jú zi zhī : orange juice
shuǐ guǒ : fruit
jī dàn : egg
guǒ jiàng : jam
yù mǐ pián : corn flake, cereal
chá : tea
huáng yóu : butter
sān mīng zhì : sandwich
miàn tiáo : noddle
chǎo fán : fried rice
dàn gāo : cake
shā lā : salad
tāng : soup
niú ròu : beef
yú : fish
bāo zi : pao
yá gāo : toothpaste
xǐ fà jì : shampoo
féi zào : soap
mián zhǐ : tissue paper
wèi shēng zhǐ : toilet paper
xiáng shuǐ : perfume
shū zi : comb
tóu shuā : hair brush
Change the questions into affirmative-negative form.
1. tā shì nǐ de lǎoshī mā ? (he/she is your teacher?)
tā shì bú shì nǐ de lǎoshī (he is or isn't your teacher)
2. nǐ de shūshū hěn gāo mā ? (your uncle really tall?)
nǐ de shūshū gāo bú gāo (your uncle tall or not tall)
3. nǐ shì wénlái rén mā ? (you are bruneian?)
nǐ shì bú shì wénlái rén (you are or aren't bruneian)
4. xiānggǎng shì gè xiǎo dì4fāng mā ? (xianggang is small place?)
xiānggǎng shì bú shì xiǎo dì4fāng (xianggang is or isn't a small place)
5. xiàgèyuè nǐ xiǎng qù běijīng mā ? (next month you want to go beijing?)
xiàgèyuè nǐ xiǎng bú xiǎng qù běijīng (next month you want to or not go beijing)
6. qùnián nǐ qù guò zhōngguò mā ? (last year you went china?)
qùnián nǐ qù méi qù guò zhōngguò (last year you went or not to china)
7. jīntiān zāoshang nǐ chī guò zǎofàn mā ? (today early morning you eaten breakfast?)
jīntiān zāoshang nǐ chī méi chī guò zǎofàn (today early morning you eaten or not breakfast)
8. míngtiān xiàwǔ wǒmen qù hē kāfēi ? (tomorrow afternoon we go drink coffee?)
míngtiān xiàwǔ wǒmen qù bú qù hē kāfēi (tomorrow afternoon we go or not drink coffee)
9. zhōngwǔ diǎn tāmen qù chī guò wǔfàn le ? (12 noon they go eaten lunch?)
zhōngwǔ diǎn tāmen qù méi qù guò chī wǔfàn (12 noon they gone or not eat lunch)
10. wǒmen qù chīfàn hǎo mā ? (we go have meal ok?)
wǒmen qù chīfàn hǎo bú hǎo (we go have meal ok or not)
I haven't update lesson #7, #8 and #9. Will do it slowly. BTW... tomorrow is my mandarin examination. I hope I'll pass the exam but I just started my revision this afternoon.
Related posts :
Labels: Mandarin Lesson, Notes
Below is my run summary :

8.5km/h for 0 - 15 minutes
8.7km/h for 15 - 25 minutes
9.0km/h for 25 - 37 minutes
*** lower leg felt weak, walk at 5.0km/h for 2 minutes
8.3km/h for 39 - 50 minutes
10.0km/h for 50 - 55 minutes
9.0km/h for 55 - 59 minutes
13.0km/h for 59 - 60 minutes
Location : JPMC Gym
Distance : 8.64 KM
Time : 60 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 702
+ 5 minutes cool down period, see picture
Labels: Exercise, Nike+iPod Run, Running

Speed against time
8.5km/h for 0 - 30 minutes
9.0km/h for 30 - 35.15 minutes
*** walk for 10 minutes at 5.0km/h
Location : JPMC Gym
Distance : 5 KM
Time : 35.15 minutes
Inclination : 1.0
Calories burn : 410
+ 10 minutes walk at 5.0km/h, see picture
Labels: Exercise, Nike+iPod Run, Running